Rapa Nui Celebrates and Shares Beautiful Rich Culture at FestPAC Wayfinders Circle Film Screening

Members of the Rapa Nui community welcome attendees at the screening of their film - "Te Pito o Te Henua" or the “The Navel of the World" - during the Festival of Pacific Arts & Culture in June. Photo by Dan Lin, Nia Tero

At the FestPAC in Hawai’i in June, members of the Rapa Nui delegation welcomed attendees to a preview of their films.

‘The Land is Our Mother’: The Sungai Utik’s Resistance to Extractive Industries in Indonesia

Members of the Dayak Iban group in the Sungai Utik community, where they live in a longhouse that serves as a space for collective decision-making.

Through customary law and collective decision-making, an Indigenous community protected an estimated 1.31 million metric tons of forest-based carbon.

Indai Apai Darah (in Bahasa)

Dalam film ketiga dari seri yang menyoroti Masyarakat Adat dari Wayfinders Circle Initiative, seorang gadis muda yang tumbuh di hutan Adat Kalimantan Tengah menelusuri hubungan leluhurnya untuk mendapatkan pemberian sebuah cerita – perjuangan orang-orangnya pada tahun 1973 dalam menjaga tanah mereka dari deforestasi besar-besaran.

Indai Apai Darah

In the third film of a series highlighting Indigenous Peoples from the Wayfinders Circle initiative, a young girl growing up in the Indigenous-held forests of central Borneo follows ancient connections to earn the gift of a story – her People’s 1973 fight to preserve their lands amid rampant deforestation.

Joint Wayfinders Circle and WUISP event celebrates Indigenous spiritual and cultural continuity at the UNPFII

The “Origins: Celebrating Indigenous Peoples' Arts, Spirituality and Cultural Expressions to Strengthen Intergenerational Transmission" event united Indigenous youth and elders from around the world in Lenapehoking territory, also known as New York. Photo by Linda Dutan (Cañari) / Nia Tero

In a gathering at the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York City, the
Wayfinders Circle and the World Union of Indigenous Spiritual Practitioners (WUISP) held an event spotlighting the importance and beauty of knowledge transmission from Indigenous elders to future generations.

Seedcast Episode Featuring Sungai Utik’s Indigenous Peoples Earns an Honorable Mention at the 2024 Webby Awards 

Sungai Utik

Nia Tero’s podcast episode tells the story of how the Dayak Iban People won a fight for their forest in Indonesia through the perspective of a young Indigenous filmmaker.

How Ancestral Indigenous Wisdom Guides the Rapa Nui’s Response to Global Challenges 

Rapa Nui

Self-governance is leading the way forward for a Pacific Island community that is vulnerable to climate change.

​Twenty-third session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Special Event

The Kara Solar Foundation trained four Achuar communities in Ecuador to increase connectivity and strengthen Indigenous guardianship.

Tuhaymani’chi Pal Waniqa Film Festival Screenings​

Assistant Director Gina Milanovich (Cahuilla, Cupeno)

In the film from the Wayfinders Circle, water and culture bring together a father and daughter as they fight to protect their Indigenous homelands in Southern California.

Indigenous-Led Workshop Kicks Off Internet Installations for Achuar Communities in the Amazon

The workshop supported by Nia Tero was led by Indigenous technicians from Fundación Kara Solar in Achuar language. Photo: Kara Solar Foundation.

The Kara Solar Foundation trained four Achuar communities in Ecuador to increase connectivity and strengthen Indigenous guardianship.
