Indai Apai Darah (in Bahasa)

Dalam film ketiga dari seri yang menyoroti Masyarakat Adat dari Wayfinders Circle Initiative, seorang gadis muda yang tumbuh di hutan Adat Kalimantan Tengah menelusuri hubungan leluhurnya untuk mendapatkan pemberian sebuah cerita – perjuangan orang-orangnya pada tahun 1973 dalam menjaga tanah mereka dari deforestasi besar-besaran.

Indai Apai Darah

In the third film of a series highlighting Indigenous Peoples from the Wayfinders Circle initiative, a young girl growing up in the Indigenous-held forests of central Borneo follows ancient connections to earn the gift of a story – her People’s 1973 fight to preserve their lands amid rampant deforestation.

Tuhaymani’chi Pal Waniqa (The Water Flows Always) in the Mojave Desert

Tuhaymani’chi Pal Waniqa (The Water Flows Always) follows a Cahuilla, Cupeño father and daughter attempting to reconnect in a journey through their Indigenous roots in the ancient springs of the Mojave Desert. Presented by The Wayfinders Circle alliance.
