The Sacred Essence of Blackfoot Culture

In this episode, you will spend time with a group of people from the Blackfoot Confederacy and will learn about Blackfoot Culture. Listen now!

Tuhaymani’chi Pal Waniqa (The Water Flows Always) in the Mojave Desert

Film Directors of Tuhaymanichi Pal Waniqa in the Mojave Desert California

For this episode of Seedcast, let’s meet in the Mojave Desert in a spot where we can gaze upon Mamápukaiv, also known as the Old Woman Mountains.

The Omen Birds Still Sing in Sungai Utik

Sungai Utik Indonesian Land Seedcast episode 16x9

“The land is our mother. The forest is our father. And the river is our blood.” Today we share a story of an Indigenous people who fought for their forest.

Meet the Gabbra People of East Africa Pt 2: How Connection to Creator, Moon, Stars, Earth, Sun, and More Guide Gabbra Knowledge

Gabbra people loading camel.

In the second episode in our two-part Gabbra series, hear songs of celebration and how the Gabbra people stay in close and constant dialogue with each other, exchanging ancestral wisdom as they pass on their traditions and revitalize their knowledge.

Meet the Gabbra People of East Africa Pt 1: How Traditional Knowledge Saw the Gabbra People Through Colonization and Climate Crisis

Shifting during wet season

In this Seedcast episode – the first of two parts – hear songs, stories, and sounds of the lands the nomadic Gabbra people of eastern Africa shepherd, and how they share traditional knowledge from generation to generation.

The Boat of Dreams: How the Achuar Embraced Solar Power

view of boats used to transport the tourists and natives

The Achuar people living in the rainforests of Ecuadorian Amazon are stewards of land that holds some of the richest biodiversity in the world. They rely heavily on river transportation, and have been on a journey to reduce use of gas-powered boats. Listen now!
